Add times to planned workouts
In order to create an intelligent, personalized fueling plan each day, Hexis needs to know what time of day your workouts are likely to be done. We highly recommend taking time each weekend to plan your schedule for the week and enter your planned workout times in TrainingPeaks; it doesn't have to be exact; your best guess is totally fine! Watch the video below for a video demonstration from Namrita.
If any of your workouts in Hexis are missing a planned start time and you prefer to simply add a time in Hexis, here's how to to that directly in the Hexis app:
Tap into the workout in the Hexis app.
Tap the "Start Time" dropdown and choose the planned start time for the workout.
Tap "Save Workout" at the bottom of the screen.
You'll see the workout has moved into the correct time slot in your planned day.
Check out Namrita's tutorial below on changing the workout time in the Hexis app.